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Why join The Eveleigh LINK Academy Trust?

The Eveleigh LINK Academy Trust


What are the benefits of being part of The Eveleigh LINK Academy Trust?


  • A proven track records of school improvement
  • School to school support with an emphasis on teachers teaching teachers
  • Experienced school leaders with broad and diverse school experiences
  • A trust with trades union support
  • School centred multi-academy trust
  • Dedicated school improvement team with history of positive school improvement
  • Members and Trustees committed to improving the quality of education provided within its schools
  • Continuing professional development opportunities through effective school improvement work
  • Leadership training provided for aspiring headteachers
  • Support through the conversion process
  • Policies and procedures in place that cover the key areas of personnel, finance and health and safety
  • Key documents already written, such as: articles of association, master funding agreement and supplementary funding agreement
  • Solicitors and accountants already selected with proven experience and expertise to support schools
  • Staff and governors at the end of phone or available for school visits to support pre and post conversion
  • Being part of a community which share the same ethos and values

School Improvement Planning


When schools consider become part of The Eveleigh LINK Academy Trust, a group of Trustees with proven track records of raising education standards in several schools across Essex, will work with the Headteacher and governors to determine the level of support required.  This may take several forms including, observing lessons, work scrutiny, discussions with staff and data analysis. Schools will then receive a tailored support package from the trust and details of how teaching and learning will be monitored. Key non-negotiables are the assessments, the curriculum and quality first teaching.


The schools within the trust will undoubtedly employ strong staff and it is these teachers and support staff who will support colleagues through their journeys to securing good or better. The trust is determined to ensure that all staff provide a strong quality of education and will support staff through this process. 


The trust believes that by keeping the number of schools within its remit to a level that is manageable, it is able to work closely with all of its schools, staff and children. The Trustees of the trust are fully aware that by working closely with schools, successes are easier to achieve.  Therefore the trust is committed to keeping the number of schools to a manageable limit.


Schools who are currently with the trust feel that this approach has enabled success to arrive quickly and has meant that the trust is fully aware of each of its school's needs. School improvement is carried out with schools and not done to schools.  School leaders are very much part of the school improvement planning process and value this approach.