The Eveleigh LINK Academy Trust
for attendance at meetings please refer to the Annual Trustees' report
Rupert Baker
Joseph Figg - CEO
Joseph began his teaching career in 2001 having trained at Goldsmiths College in London. Joseph bcame headteacher at Purleigh Primary in 2009 and Executive Headteacher of both Purleigh Primary and Meadgate Primary in 2013. Following the inception of The Eveleigh LINK Academy Trust in 2014 Joseph became the CEO and is proud to have led the Trust for over ten years. Joseph is a National Leader of Education and has supported several MATs and schools as well as the Local Authority.
Joseph is married with three children and enjoys playing cricket for Maldon Cricket Club.
Bret Hawkins
Bret is a finance professional with extensive knowledge of financial planning and analysis and has a background of working with established small and medium enterprises in the private sector, particularly those funded by private equity. Residing on the executive board of a group of companies servicing the automotive industry, Bret plays a pivitol role in leading and effecting change at a strategic level.
Bret likes to be challenged. He is a keen runner and produces music in his spare time.
Sara Kightley - Chair
Sara has over thirty years experience as a primary practitioner having taught in both the state and independent sectors, latterly as Deputy Head of New Hall Preparatory School, Boreham and again as supply following retirement. Sara also has financial experience in payroll, consumer credit and small business accountancy.
Sara commenced school governance in 2008 at Meadgate Primary and is currently Executive Chair and Trustee of The Eveleigh LINK Academy Trust. Sara is also a Director of New Hall Multi Academy Trust. She works closely with the CEO, LGB Chairs and is visible across the Trust's schools. Sara is a strong advocate of governance training and in 2014 completed the Chairs of Governors' Leadership Development Programme under the auspices of the National College for Teaching and Leadership.
Anything remotely 'Equestrian' fills her spare time and she is a member of a successful racing syndicate.
Sharon Roots
Tim Woods
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